The theft of a Master's Thesis – a new peak in national plagiarism thought. Students often plagiarize the works of their professors, but could plagiarism work in the opposite direction, with a professor stealing from a student? It turns out that for our plagiarists, nothing is impossible. Let me introduce you to the latest domestic "innovation." The professors and thieves are Ivan Vasylovych Danyliuk , Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Doctor of Psychological Sciences, along with two of his subordinates: Inna Valeriivna Kozytska, Head of the Department of Experimental Psychology, and Serhii Oleksandrovych Shykovets, a postgraduate student: In October 2017, I defended my master's thesis, titled “The Structure of the Cultural Syndrome ‘Individualism-Collectivism’ in Ukraine,” at the same university. The chair of the examination committee was Ivan Danyliuk, a well-known Ukrainian ethnopsychologist. U...