

This is a story about how I am trying to gain the right to publish the results of my own long-term scientific research. My results… were stolen and published by other people. Influential people. The situation is unpleasant, but in a civilized society, it is not hopeless: the guilty parties are quickly punished and branded as thieves for the rest of their scientific careers, justice prevails, and the result of the work returns to the author. In Ukraine, this does not work at all or works differently. What has happened and is still happening can be read on this website. Today marks the th day since I have been unable to publish the results of my own years-long work.

Why I Burned My University Diploma

Ukrainian science is not quite science in the universal sense. It is a fragment of Soviet science, which was based not on truth but on authority and connections. Soviet academicians, like general secretaries, were only removed from their offices feet first. Anything the state needed could become "science"—for example, electric welding or various kinds of humanitarian and philosophical nonsense. But anything that did not fit into the state ideology, such as genetics, was not considered science at all. The largest number of scientific articles in history was published by such Soviet scientists.   In my early years, I worked under the leadership of a director of a National Academy of Sciences institute. I never saw him conduct any research. Yet, he was constantly publishing in a journal (in which he was the editor-in-chief)—always as the first author. He had no real understanding of how science worked beyond the walls of his own institute. There is nothing wrong with an older sc...

Important Comments on the Article "On Culture and Barbarism"

Many comments from the scientific community have been received following the initial publication of the article "On Culture and Barbarism" on the website Most of them were positive, but some were critical and raised important questions. These questions, arising from a lack of information, have been grouped into two themes, and I will now attempt to address them.    Comment 1 : Why doesn’t the author publish his own scientific article based on the same materials? It’s unclear what more he wants since the university has stated that the article has already been retracted. Response :  The university is engaging in manipulation—acting in collusion with the journal’s editor-in-chief, who happens to be Danyliuk’s close associate. Removing the article from the journal’s table of contents does not mean it has been retracted. It have merely been erased from the contents.   Ultimately, if someone wants to cite the article, they won’t go digg...

On Culture and Barbarism

The theft of a Master's Thesis – a new peak in national plagiarism thought.  Students often plagiarize the works of their professors, but could plagiarism work in the opposite direction, with a professor stealing from a student? It turns out that for our plagiarists, nothing is impossible. Let me introduce you to the latest domestic "innovation." The  professors and thieves are Ivan Vasylovych Danyliuk , Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Doctor of Psychological Sciences, along with two of his subordinates: Inna Valeriivna Kozytska, Head of the Department of Experimental Psychology, and Serhii Oleksandrovych Shykovets, a postgraduate student:      In October 2017, I defended my master's thesis, titled “The Structure of the Cultural Syndrome ‘Individualism-Collectivism’ in Ukraine,” at the same university.  The chair of the examination committee was Ivan Danyliuk, a well-known Ukrainian ethnopsychologist. U...